
Beyond van gogh immersive experience
Beyond van gogh immersive experience

beyond van gogh immersive experience

Nevertheless, the exhibit is very popular and there were definitely a lot of people there when we visited who must have thought it was worth the price. and are able to capture our attention for longer, so the price was definitely unexpected.

Beyond van gogh immersive experience movie#

Art museums and movie theaters usually cost around $10 in the U.S. Upon first sight, we were surprised by the price, and even looking back at the price after going, we still agree that it’s overpriced.

beyond van gogh immersive experience beyond van gogh immersive experience

As for people ages 5-15 (Hint, hint, students under 16!), tickets are $24.99. Tickets for a basic timed entry for people 16 or older cost from $36.99 to $46.99 depending on the day you attend. Prices for other age groups can be found on the website. The health safety and inclusivity are great to see and always gives a show a plus on our list. The website recommends consulting a medical examiner if you are concerned about something in the show beforehand. It is friendly to those who are d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing, as most of the show is visual. The exhibit does involve flashing and moving light, so it can be uncomfortable for those with photosensitive epilepsy and those prone to sensory overload. We were surprised they could fit so much into an hour, but they accomplished it without the exhibit feeling too packed with paintings. Designed by creative director Mathieu St-Arnaud and his team at Montreal’s Normal Studio, the show is roughly an hour long and exhibits over 300 paintings. Packed into a tent on the Galleria Parkway is a popular traveling show, “Beyond Van Gogh: The immersive experience,” only 16 minutes away from school. Louis Galleria, most would not expect to see an exhibit of Vincent van Gogh’s life stationed there for the winter. People gather to see the exhibit at “Beyond Van Gogh: The immersive experience.”

Beyond van gogh immersive experience