The range of colors identify that there are impurities in the stone. Traditionally, the diamond is known to be clear and colorless, however, there are a range of colors: yellow, orange, blue, green, pink, purple, red, black, and brown. The diamond is known as the hardest substance found on the Earth, synthetically or naturally produced. As the planet began to develop more, the surface of the earth began to cool and volcanic activity forced these diamond crystals to the surface. With this pressure and temperature, the carbon began to crystallize. Oh the diamond, a girls best friend, a stone made for forever, the ultimate symbol of ones unwavering love and devotion. It was compressed into a sphere caused by the power from the core of our planet, then the sphere was subjected to extreme pressures and temperatures. The Koh-I-Noor and the Blue Hope were both unearthed in India, though they are also mined from Borneo, Brazil, Australia and the Orange River in South Africa.ĭiamonds have a long history on the earth and were created from the condensation of solid matter, more specifically, carbon. It is India that holds the title of being the most foremost diamond polishing industry worldwide. With more modern technology and tools, the polishing and cutting of the diamond was perfected. It was not a common practice to even polish a diamond until the 16th century. Mine owners spread rumors that they were poisonous in order to prevent their workers from swallowing them, so they would not be smuggled from the mine. It was not until the Middle Ages that the diamond was seen as something of monetary value. The word “diamond” originates from the Greek word “adamas”, to have the meaning of something which is unconquerable. People for centuries have been fascinated by the diamond. Of the many stones representative of each season on the Gregorian calendar, the diamond could not be more suited for the month of April. It is strength, and by giving renewed life, it is power. For many who live in the mountains, the diamond is representative of the water filling and rushing down the streams from the melting snow, bringing life and sustenance to life to all plants and animals downstream. If anyone has stared, into a beautiful diamond, it is like that of watching a spring rainstorm, mesmerizing. In many parts of the country, it is a season of much rain, hydrating and lifting life from the earth after a winter’s sleep. For them, the diamond was used as a talisman to provide protection during battle and ward off evil spirits.

The ancient Hindus viewed the strength of the diamond equal to the power in the sparks of lightening, due to the diamond’s ability to throw off light with its invincible strength. Diamonds date back to at least 3,000 years ago in India.